Saturday, February 9, 2013

Loading Procedure on Advant Controller

AC 160 Advant Controller
A. Single Controller – ON LINE
1. Must be on ON-LINE condition

2. Only to change the parameter, maximum 3 changes
3. Make sure the changing didn’t effect on operation or protection side
4. Step
a. Make change on parameter/variable

b. Save  save and load

B. Single Controller – OFF LINE
1. Create/generate new target code
2. Create new signal
3. OFF-LINE condition
4. Steps;
a. Make change on logic
b. Save then Generate target Code

c. Follow the step on this Target menu (mean while keep open the status report status menu to watch the process);
c.1. Block Program
c.2. Load Application
c.3. Save in PROM 

C. Dual Controller – Slave must be Updated
1. Check the connection between master and slave controller
2. To activate the slave  kick out the P1 (master) by force switching
a. Click Reset on P1  b1 will come
b. Acknowledge on b1  P1 will come
c. And the configuration became 
d. Load the controller as usual
e. Reset the P1  bf will come
f. Acknowledge the b1  P1 will come
g. And the configuration will be
h. To update the slave go back to EDS and activate the update slave menu *not necessary since it can be done by hardware updating
i. To update the slave by hardware updating, pres ACK on bf for about 3 seconds until the P.4 comes. 
j. If appear then remove the ACK and bf will be b1 for the next 4 minutes.


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